Mrs. Rupa Rohini Silva
Glory To God Alone
Education, beyond all other devices of human origin, is the great equalizer of the conditions of men - the balance - wheel of the social machinery.
Since the inception in 1942 as a Catholic School for girls, the past principals of St. Joseph's Girls' School , Nugegoda were tirelessly committed to harness and nurture rich ethical values enshrined in catholic philosophy .
Our students are our strength and inspiration. Therefore it is truly important for us to give some of our attention to their creativity and their enthusiasm.
Hence the organization of co-curricular activities play an indispensable role in paving the way to the development of the students' potentials. Sports, Aesthetic activities, Language proficiency and many other skills are in the highest place. It is pleasurable to say the students play a leading role in performing at government examinations with the best results in the zone. A variety of facilities and opportunities are provided to our Students to maximize their capabilities . The duty conscious , skillful academic staff is appreciated in this tremendous task.
l invite all well-wishers to join hands with the school and be our Strength to carry our mission. The active participation of Past Pupils' association and the School Development Society are highly admired towards the progress of the school.
The principal - St. Joseph's Girls' School - Nugegoda.
Mrs. Rupa Rohini Silva
St. Joseph's Girls' School Nugegoda.