St. Joseph's Girls' School

Prize Destribution 2022


The top of our Vidhu flag is decorated with the symbol of the Lord appearing in the divine grace. The yellow circle symbolizes the pulpit, the yellow lines symbolize its gathering, and the cross marks Christ in the middle of the pulpit. By applying that sign here, it was expected that our school would receive the blessings of God's grace constantly. The red shield in the center represents trust and purity and their integrity. In the center of the red shield are three swirling leaves in blue, white, and black colors. These three leaves embody the Holy Family. The blue paper shows the beauty, majesty, and holiness of Jesus, the white paper shows Mary's innocence, openness and loyalty, and the black paper shows Jesus' skill, efficiency, and ability to overcome all suffering. The purple stem connecting these three leaves reflects supremacy, power, independence and the inextricable connection of these three leaves. It is expected that everyone who enters the school, receives shade, and leaves it, always

remembers these natures with devotion, understands and follows them. The yellow outer shield symbolizes protection. It implies that schools provide immediate safety and protection to all during the school mother's shadow. On either side of the shield are two green olive leaves. The application of those branches shining in evergreen color means that one should get success in life through education. Our motto, which runs through the gathering ring, is written in Latin. (Glory to God Alone) This phrase which means glory to God alone means that every action we do should be done so that God alone is glorified without expecting personal gain and praise. It is expected that you who grew up in an atmosphere of combination of all qualities of spiritual and external purity with white background and red stripes on both sides should be a light to others in the nature of a light that shines somewhere in the society.