- ENTRY INTO SCHOOL PREMISES - Every Student must bring her Student's Record Book to school daily. If she fails to do so she may be refused to enter school
- PUNCTUALITY - Students are expected to be in their respective classes before the first bell at 7.25 am. They are also expected to arrive in class right after the interval.Student are expected to be in class at all times.
- ABSENCE FROM SCHOOL - No student may keep away from school except on grounds of illness or when on leave approved by authority. The reason for absence must be submitted only in the special page, provided for this purpose in the S.R.B Letters or other such document will not be accepted. When the period of absence exceeds the 3 days a medical certificate must support the entry in the S.R.B. It would be appreciated if parents refrain from making request for leave for resons other than illness.
- DRESS CODE AND PERSONAL APPEARANCE - Students are required to wear the school uniform for school sessions The uniform should neat and tidy.Students may wear small earrings. Shoes and socks should be clean and tidy.Hair below shoulder length should be tied and plaited in two plaits. Short hair should be neatly combed. Wrist watches can only be worn by prefects and advanced level students.
- GENERAL CONDUCT - Strict disciplinary action will be taken against any student whose behavior in public would bring the school in to disrepute. This should be kept in mind by all students wherever they may be e.g., when 1traveling in public conveyances ,attending functions etc. Misconduct is punishable even with expulsion.
- Meals AT SCHOOL - Meals should be brought in food containers, not wrapped in polythene (lunch sheet). Use of polythene inside the school is strictly prohibited
- F & S.FEES - Kindly pay the Facility Fees and `Service Fees (FSF) at the beginning of the first term.
- STUDIES - Students should pay 'special attention to Home Work It should be completed and submitted on the stipulated date
- GAMES AND SOCIAL ACTIVITIES OUTSIDE THE SCHOOL - No students may join, get the membership or participate in the activities of any club or society outside school without written permission from the Principal. A special letter from the parents is required for each permission to be granted.
- SCHOOL SOCIETIES AND CLUBS - All election for school Societies or Clubs will be valid for one calendar year and should take place in January of the new year. Grade 13 Students of the previous year are not eligible for election.
- INQUIRIES REGARDING STUDENTS - All inquiries regarding students must in the first instance be made either from the Sectional Head or the Deputy Principal / Assistant Principal of the respective section. If necessary the parent will be directed to the Class teacher or the Subject teacher.
- CERTIFICATES - Examination and school certificates must be applied for at least 07 days in advance. Applications f certificates could be submitted only on Mondays and Thursdays.
- VISITORS - No person may visit the School for any purpose whatsoever without permission. Any visitor wishing meet a teacher or student must first see the Deputy / Assistant Principal of the respective section.
- SCHOOL GATES - Gates will be closed to all vehicles unless a prior gate pass has been issued.
- ATTENDANCE - A student must have 80% attendance to be presented for public examinations, to take part in games, promotions, stewards, and perfects appointments.